martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

Umeå Map

I made this big map of Umeå, and I used it in a Brainstorming Session at the Design School, and I also put it in the Annual Open House (An event where the school is opened to be visited by people in Umeå).
I asked people to indicate in the map with this stickers, their favourite places in Umeå, the places they would place a sculpture and the most romantic place in Umeå.

At the end it was pretty clear to see that people is so attached to the River and the Lake and It was so rich also the information I got from people only by talking with them at the Open House!.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Electric Sphere

Electric Sphere from Anthony Howe on Vimeo.

This is an example of a sculpture that produce energy from the wind to trigger some light reactions, it is really nice and quiet at the same time.

Kinetic sculptures by Theo Jansen

Wind Farm from chaz golding on Vimeo.

Amazing work by Theo Jansen, sculptures that live from the wind and made of recycled materials. This is a topic I am researching, about kinetic sculptures.


Blackbird in the musical "Across the Universe", I love the scene together the music with the water and the old architecture, it really inspire me for the project.